nash, commented on my last post! That's just
Anywho. Thanks
BIG changes: new job, new home, new roommate. I've taken a job with IBM Corporate working on collaborative software in
Web 2.0 technologies! Too cool. Huge challenge. Very exciting. It will allow me to work from home, and thus, make my home East Haddam, CT, living in sin with Mark (err, "keeping company with" as Edie might say). All this is effective May 15th. So much to do, so little time.
So, as blogging (and Wiki-ing and
Twittering, oh my!) is a huge part of Web 2.0
and collaborative software, I'm going to stay in touch with all my friends back home with this blog (and yes, of course, still
Facebook and
So, to put you all to the test, give me some comments on the following questions:
1. Blog name (Patriots Princess) - keep or change? Still haven't recovered fully from that awful,
awful night. Feb 3rd, 2008. So sad.
2. What should I have up top for a new ticker, now that my divorce is old news?
3. So what do you think is worse?
Having to watch out for this:
causing this (yes that's my wrist): 
or this thing sucking your blood: 
But really, CT isn't all that bad. For instance, I saw my first Bluebird here today, since I was a kid.

I'm on the road at 4:30 A.M. tomorrow. Which means, time to hit the sack!